## Setup workspace
First, create a catkin workspace
mkdir -p ardupilot_ws/src
cd ardupilot_ws
catkin init
cd src
Clone the reprository
## Launch SITL Instance
Then, launch a SITL instance:
sim_vehicle.py -v ArduCopter --console --map
Now you got an SITL instance launched with TCP and UDP access, you should have some line like:
"mavproxy.py" "--master" "tcp:" "--sitl" "" "--out" "" "--out" "" "--map" "--console"
Both “–out” refer to UDP connexion create by MAVProxy. We will use UDP access with mavros.
Get back to your ROS terminal. Let’s create a new directory for our launch file.
mkdir launch
cd launch
roscp mavros apm.launch apm.launch
Edit the launch file with correct **fcu_url**
nano apm.launch
<arg name="fcu_url" default="udp://" />
Launch it with:
roslaunch apm.launch
## Launch ROS node
source you setup.bash
source <WORKSPACE_PATH>/devel/setup.bash
rosrun droneoa_ros droneoa_ros
``` |
\ No newline at end of file |