Resolve "Implement Console Up/Down History" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
Patch pipline for cloc line count 8 of 8 checklist items completed!58
Resolve "Improve Launch Files" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
Resolve "[OAC] Add Goto Command To Parser" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
WIP: Resolve "[TESTING] Unittest Suite Init" 0 of 8 checklist items completed
WIP: Resolve "[OAC] Algorithm research" 0 of 8 checklist items completed
Resolve "Accept Command Input From ROS Topic" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
WIP: Resolve "[UTIL] Implement PID Utility" 0 of 8 checklist items completed
WIP: Resolve "Add Post Completion Instruction To Setup Script" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
Resolve "Add Post Completion Instruction To Setup Script" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
Resolve "Better Pipeline" 8 of 8 checklist items completed
Resolve "[SIM] Improve / Add Launch Script" 8 of 8 checklist items completed!48
Resolve "Determine The "Chosen Algorithm" For Stage 2 Prototyping" 0 of 7 checklist items completed
Resolve "Catch SIGINT signal to shutdown node correctly on Ctrl-C" 7 of 7 checklist items completed
Resolve "Change RSC Console Test Commands to Use New Console Command Parser" 7 of 7 checklist items completed